April 12, 2010
March 09, 2010
February 17, 2010
Labels: Firsts, Foods and Drinks, personal, Shopping, Women's Interest
February 01, 2010
Blue! I felt blue, I felt to enter this Blue Blue Monday Meme. This is actually my first time to enter this meme hosted by Smiling Sally. I am not a fan of blue... :-) I felt like it because my background color of this blog is somewhat close to blue and some other reason to which I do not disclose (it is not that controversial though... if that is what you think.. heheh). Okay, my first entry is a blue fit gear to which I bought the last time I got dismayed and found myself at the shopping center and got this stuff. I realized it is helpful to me for sometimes my stomach bulge and just flaunting to which was the result of feeling lazy to stand after eating (I just sit then in front of the PC for some "to-do-task" or just lazily relaxing in the bed and watch TV). So I found something that eases every time I do not feel comfortable because of the air that accumulate. I usually felt like this some hours from relaxing so, this help (I already tried and I felt good). This is just emergency though---a plan B for taking of my weight and poise... :-)
So that is it, my first entry for Blue Monday! Enjoy hunting blue! Happy Blue Monday... Do not feel blue, okay? :-)
Labels: Meme, personal, photography/photos, Science and Health, Shopping, Women's Interest
January 11, 2010
I am dying to wish and hope to get an exercise stuff inside our house. Why such it become my wish? Because it's somewhat like difficult for me to acquire and the explanation is secret as for now.. :-) Okay, I don't want that stuff before since I work my body off mostly everyday but nowadays I am mostly here in the PC doing something, some studying and reading and also some assignments to do and looking forward on going up. I mean you know.. I am mostly on sitting because of stuffs here and there that acquainted more on PC. I don't exercise often, usually I do some brisk walking going downtown (three to five minutes away to where DH and me live) and have some window and little shopping (a great therapy on boredom too at the same you have the exercise). I tell you it also have more on walking part on the store chasing and getting the best on my taste :-). I just hope that I can have one of those ellipticals exercising stuff. For now, it's just a wish but when the plan will move on to move to another house to which we will do after I can have my permanent GC (that we're working these days that will make my mood "no good" everytime there's something going on). I (and my dear behalf) anxious and excited to move in but we will just have to wait. Hopefully with God's permit.

December 30, 2009
Do you agree that nowadays everything is in the world wide web (www)? What do you think?
Well, we already know that research is very much possible to do online, dictionary, encyclopedia, and everything that a library has. We can also do shopping online. Even finding life's partner is very much possible. Getting online life insurance is so much easy too because at the comfort of our home or at the snap of our fingers, the information is available. Technology makes our work and life easier and we should be thankful of that. We will not abuse it so it will grow more and more beneficial to everyone. We just have to take good care of it so the world wide web will continue and grow more as to its great service to humankind.

Labels: communication, Shopping, Technology/Gadgets
October 31, 2009
Do you have motorcycle? Is it a Yamaha brand? If you're looking for its motorcycle parts, you might checking out Yamaha motorcycle parts if in case you're the one who will do your motorcycle maintenance journey. Being frugal nowadays is important in making steps for your savings. As much as possible owners likes to do the maintenance by themselves. Anyways, if you don't have an idea how to do or should I say you just only have a little idea about it, then it's better to call for an expert and let them do it for you. Am no expert about motorcycle since I don't have one but since hubby likes to get it one day, I might like to know the idea about since I will be helping him for such. Hem.. perhaps we will have to get a Yamaha motorcycle. I bet this is one of the best in the market today, right? Whatever it is, Yamaha motorcycle needs Yamaha motorcycle parts.
Labels: Men's Interest, Motorcycling, Shopping
Diving as what we know is one type of water sport. Do you love diving?
As for me,diving is an interesting underwater sport. I haven't been into formal diving. Meaning to say, I don't have any gear, stuffs for this and for that. But have tried it as I was in elementary in swimming pool practicing. (~_~) How I love to do it with all the necessary equipment in the sea or in the lake. How I wish to do it one day. If that day would come, I would like to check out bonica snapper where I can see lots of diving supplies needed for my underwater adventure. It's great to have one-stop shop so I can avail of the discounts and promotions. Doing the sports you wish with all the desired equipments makes you feel comfortable and safer in underwater world. Have fun!

Labels: Shopping, Sports, Wishlist, Women's Interest
October 24, 2009

Yep, as for me area rugs really adds a touch of luxury to the rooms in the house or even at any area you like to put some. Bath room, living room, kitchen, doors, and the likes are some of the areas that rugs are beyond beauty if it's there. Well, area rugs comes in different sizes and shapes, so, you have the choice of how do you like to put it. Women like to put some stuffs that beautifies the house and am one of those women.. (~_~). What about you, do you or your wife love to put some rugs in your home just like above?

Labels: Household/Tools, Shopping, Women's Interest
October 22, 2009

Labels: Beauty and Fashion, Household/Tools, Men's Interest, personal, Shopping
October 01, 2009
Most women likes to shop. Traditionally, it is her basic rule in the family or at least to herself and for her behalf. In some cases, husbands do the shopping for the house stuffs for some reason, and I respect that. But that's not an exemption to save money huh? (~_~) Men, use coupons to save money! (~_~)
I was taught to use coupons to save money to live better. And I use to do it for buying goods or stuffs. And I use it until now. Why not? (~_~) Anyway, we all know that the basic need of individual is grocery - foods and drinks. Would you like to use grocery coupons to save you money especially this time that economy is experiencing a recession? If so, you need grocery coupons like Vons coupons for your grocery activity. But if you feel that you have more than enough, then better give it to the ones that needs it. And I guess that's what you have in mine. Hey, using coupons are awesome! Don't hesitate to grab one for you. You will never know that you already saves a lot. So then, enjoy chasing coupons for grocery or online. Have a good day and enjoy shopping with savings!

Labels: Family/Family Circle, Shopping, Tips, Women's Interest
September 25, 2009
How would you like to wash dishes under beautiful faucet in a lovely sink? Am sure you will love it. You will even sing while doing it (~_~). Of course wives out there likes that way. It's not that we're materialistic but it's lovely to the eyes. Sometimes looking stuffs like that adds to the cozy home. Well, as long as it is good and lovely to look at, then solve! I have seen that Danze faucets have unique in style and offers affordable prices. So if you are currently looking for a faucet for your kitchen sink, bar, bathroom sink, shower, tub and shower, and the like, then you might like to consider a lovely faucet that you like most, isn't it? Have fun looking and shopping!

It's fall season already and soon it will be winter again. Some will plan or window shop ahead so in time of shopping, they know already what to get. Some will get for personal use, home, and so on and so forth. Would you like to check for an electric blanket then? I haven't use a blanket that uses an electric to heat it up but I guess this is interesting and sounds cozy. Hem-mm.. perhaps checking it out is the best idea to see what is it. I guess this is ideal if you want a stuff that makes you warm faster. Perhaps this could be a great gift for Christmas too thinking of the cool weather.
Labels: Gifts, Shopping, Technology/Gadgets, Women's Interest
September 23, 2009
My digital camera which hubby bought for me months after I came here in USA is from Samsung brand. It is color silver. And it is still good until now. Well, it's just two years and I care it deeply. I even buy stuffs for it so it would last longer than expected. And next to the plan is getting a digital camcorder or video cam. Though my digital cam has a video feature but it's just good for 30 minutes or so. As having this post, been eye-ing to samsung HD SSD with 64GB memory($799 after sale) or the affordable digital camcorder w/16GB memory($299 after sale plus free shipping). I love the red color or silver to match with my red laptop case or our silver digital cam. I hope hubby will buy it for me, not now or very soon but hopefully soon or one day(hehehhe).

Labels: Men's Interest, personal, Shopping, Wishlist, Women's Interest
September 22, 2009
Are you a person who enjoys reading books? Then you must be a bookworm. Great authors provides great books, surely it contains a lot of information that is helpful in our daily living. Some readers tends to find author first then the title(or vice versa)before other info when shopping books, somewhat like a movie that watchers tends to know the leading actor/actress first then the the title(count me one of those for the movie watchers who usually wants to know who the leading actor/actress are). Though I like to read books but not most of the time(I guess am not a bookworm). I view bookworm as reading books is ones hobby and it's on their top(number one) hobby. Okay, enjoy reading (~_~) and thanks a bunch for reading in here, hugs!

Labels: hobbies, Men's Interest, Shopping, Women's Interest
September 18, 2009
Laptops are nice since I have currently one of those but one thing you should have to consider of having one is to have equipment like a fan where it sits(aside from the its internal fan) since it will easily got hot unlike desktop computers. What I like with desktop is what I don't with the portable personal computer(some called it "notebook" or "net book") and that I uttered already. When it comes to trends, desktop won't be far from it. Well, it has its own pros and cons but when having one, try to weigh what you like most especially when you are thinking of shopping very soon. I didn't regret of having my portable one since I like it the way I think before only it should have to have a big memory yet, I love it. For hubby, he likes desktop much than portable or laptop. Well, am happy for him 'coz that's what he likes. "Desktop Computer is cool" he said. (~_~)

September 16, 2009
Isn't it that very nice to wash dishes and cooking wares if your kitchen has copper sinks? (~_~) Ooh well, everyone wants to have it nowadays especially if you like your house to be a classic-modern look. As I've heard from my friends that aside from copper sinks are durable, it is also a bacteria-worry-free. Bacteria and other germs can only live on copper for only hours unlike normal kitchen sinks that stays how many days. There's something in copper that bacteria dislike. What is good is that copper kitchen sinks have now variety of designs and finishes. Thus, it will likely fit to your lovely kitchen. And aside from it beautifies your kitchen, it will last long for how many years. It's a good investment for a home, isn't it?

Labels: Household/Tools, Men's Interest, Shopping, Women's Interest
I knew barcode scanner importance the time I was working as a Customer Service Associate in one of the leading movie rentals in the Philippines particularly at Video City Valencia(branch store) owned by one of Philippine private corporation. Well, it was a fun work because I get along with all my co-workers at the same time I learned a lot about my area of responsibility. Scanning all the tapes, Cd, DVD, or all store products or goods is very important especially in time of inventory and of course on the in-going and out-going process. It makes a lot easier and faster. Would you like to have one for your business? It is very essential and I can't imagine without it thinking mostly everyone nowadays wants an easy and fast process.

Labels: business/money matters, personal, Shopping, Technology/Gadgets
September 02, 2009
Oops! It seems a drama of soap operas. Ahemm.. it seems! It is specifically the signature products, Nike, am talking about peeps. Who don't want to have this popular brand? It is pricey but the quality is excellent. When it comes to sports wear, Nike brand is what comes up to my mind first. I don't know on you but surely Nike is popular so everyone would love to have this.
So far I have some branded stuffs but Nike brand is awesome to have. I remember one time I wore Nike shoes way back years ago but it was just a test! lol. How I wish I could have one of it as my own. Ooh poor me, eh? Just a thought that December is on the way. If someone of good heart will give me a gift of this brand, I would definitely jump for joy. Whew! I hope so. (~_~) How I wish!
By the way, buying gifts and stuffs from Nike brand, shopping Nike is very accessible already nowadays. It is just easy to find because it is categorized from kids, girls, men, and women. You can also select if you want the classic stuffs or modern ones. If you are a bargain hunter, sale Nike products also are available. If you want to see new ones, New Arrivals is the category. So with the computer and internet, we have now the choice to see and shop what we like especially checking out my ever wish Nike products.

Labels: Men's Interest, shoes, Shopping, Women's Interest
August 12, 2009
Hemmm.. I don't know if what exact age that one got into wrinkle. And it scares me.. weee.. Well, whatever no's one will say, there will come a time that a person need wrinkle creams. Are you one of those that need this? Okay, you don't need to answer (lol). Just a tip in general, just buy those that is recommended by your dermatologist or if you found one that suits to your pocket or some, perhaps it's in the top list wherever you have seen it, then perhaps you could introduce it to your skin doctor(dermatologist)or experts for safety or else you could have lots of wrinkles out of it. Whatever you like as long as safety comes first, okay?

Labels: Science and Health, Shopping, Women's Interest