June 11, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

After an emotional and roller-coaster ride game 4 for 2009 NBA Finals lately, Los Angeles Lakers team won against Orlando Magic at Amway Arena at Orlando, Florida(Orlando Magic home court). It last for two and a half (2 1/2) hours plus 5 minutes overtime. You will love the game because both teams are struggling hard to win. And finally the score for game 4 is 99-91, 8 points lead in favor of Los Angeles Lakers. What can you say folks? I know Magic fans got loss but as I said on my previous post-- that's just a game, a sports and entertainment. And we need not take it seriously. As far as am concerned, I enjoyed and entertained of the lately so Kudos to the Lakers!

But hey, will Lakers for the champion? The game score for now is 3-1 (3 wins for Lakers and 1 win for Magic) and there's 3 more games to go... Is Orlando Magic team has really a magic? will they win in Los Angeles Lakers home court for game 5 and game 6? Which is which? Let's see for the upcoming 3 more games...

By the way, still Los Angeles Lakers at Orlando Magic home court for game 5 on Sunday-- June 14,2009 and will be at 5 pm PDT(Pacific Daylight Time) or 8 pm ET)Eastern Time and Orlando Magic team in Los Angeles Lakers home court for game 6 and 7 (if necessary). Game6 on Tuesday-- June 16, 2009 at 6 pm PDT or 9 pm ET. And for game 7 on Thursday-- June 18, 2009 at 6 pm PDT or 9 pm ET. Woohoo! Next week or maybe this Sunday coming we will know which team will be the 2009 NBA Champion! Am excited of the result! (~_~)

For more information and details of this game, see my archive post regarding this more specifically in Label located at the top right side of my side bar, it's labeled-> Basketball. Enjoy!




  1. Supernova said...
    btw, love the new header...
    Bill said...
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