October 15, 2011

Remember that although you are swamped with cares and worries concerning other people in your family, you should not forget to worry about yourself, too. Caring for yourself and making sure you are in the pink of health must always be on top of your list, along with all your other priorities. Make sure you take care of your needs, too, and don’t forget to apply for that medicare part d, which you have been planning to do for some time, while you are at it.

Being a mom gives you a lot of stuffs to worry about. Day in day out you worry about your little one’s welfare – you wonder whether she’s feeding enough or sleeping enough. You worry about whether you are giving her the best care you can. On top of that you worry about your other motherly and wifely duties and function. Plus you have also got chores and other duties at home to add to that list.


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