February 24, 2011

When talking about burning fats, such fats are unwanted fats. Many especially mommies like to burn that fats off for me to loss weight and it's not bad. That is for health reason aside from it is great to have a sexy bod. :-) I will be a mommy soon as I have a baby-in-my-tummy now. One day, this will pop-out and I guess I am one of those mommies which trying to loss weight especially that I plan to breastfeed my baby (breastfeeding is great, there are many benefits especially in terms of financial. *wink*) Speaking of weight loss, maybe then I will be considering some weight loss pills for my quest of  losing weight in due time, who knows. Yes, hopefully not, but that is all what I can do for now. The important thing for me currently is to be sure my baby is healthy and no big problems when he/she got out from tummy. Pray for me. Thanks much (if you do so)!

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    I don't think it's necessary for you to take pills to lose weight. Just eat healthy in small portion and exercise. It will sure get your body on track. Enjoy the baby!

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